Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Adventures in Karmalot

My Queen name is Queen GivemeBeer. I live in a castle complete with an enchanted forest. I like it people bring me lollipops and I make my own marshmallows.
I'm always late, only moderately organized and am consistently inconsistent.
Join me here as I chronicle my adventures in -- well, just being me. Sometimes, that will mean I share a silly story. Other days I might share a recipe or notes from a road trip. Maybe I'll even turn introspective or write something thought provoking.
If Camelot is that mythical perfect place, then Karmalot is a real place filled with happy and sad, triumph and failure and silliness and stupidity.
Feel free to move into my Queendom for a few minutes each week or so. I have a lovely pub, the Dork and Otter. We serve only my favorite beverages here: beer, Arnold Palmers, beer, Cosmopolitans and Mojitos. Don't like what I have to offer? Bring your own, but you must share as it pleases the Queen.
Silly and preferably large hats are required. I like people that I can burp and fart in front of so feel free to do the same, but for god's sake don't get carried away.
Occasionally, I forget to go to sleep.
I've chosen, after many years of doing the opposite, to accept myself as I am. I am Divine by Design and I think you are too. Let's hang out in Karmalot's Courtyard of Contentment and share a dream or two.

1 comment:

  1. OK, you literally have me laughing out loud. Love the burp and fart comment, damn, wish I would have known that when I was there.... I probably would have relaxed more.
