Monday, August 29, 2011

Bringing things into balance

As many of you know, I've struggled with my weight and my self image for years. It has been a long and arduous journey, to say the least. However, it has been, above all else, a blessed walk toward self acceptance and physical health. The trip is not over, but I can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
One of the most frustrating parts of this journey has been a lack of progress physically. Emotionally and spiritually, I'm feeling better than I ever have. Despite the fact I've improved my eating and exercise habits in various ways over the last few years -- my body has not kept up. It's entirely discouraging.
I do not believe in weight loss surgery but in only the rarest of circumstances. I have tried dammed near every weight loss plan, fitness routine and several medications. All with short term losses and long term disappointments -- most often followed by long, long bouts of deep, dark, depressions.
A few months ago, in desperation, I returned to my therapist -- a specialist in eating disorders. She had discharged me several years ago, but it was clear I needed more help. We were making fairly solid progress but I was still feeling lost.
My therapist and I looked into several options, including a stay in a rehab unit. We opted for a check of my hormones. (Rehab is in Arizona -- who the hell wants to be in Arizona in August? Yuck. Plus, being away from my kids 3 weeks or longer doesn't sound like fun..)
So last Friday, I drove to Boise to meet with a women's health specialist. Now, I've read most of the Suzanne Somers books. I watch Oprah. I've heard about this. I've asked my doctors about it with varying, mostly negative results. I come from a long line of women who died of heart disease. Something's got to change physically --
The woman I met with was about my age, I'd guess. Southern accent -- dressed fashionably

. I noticed a Monster energy drink on her desk.
"You're talking to me about health and yet you're drinking that swill?" I asked.
"It's my only vice. I allow my self one once in a while. I've been nursing this one for a day or two now."
Well, good. She's human. Excellent.
She tells me what I already know. Most people are under educated about their hormones; the purpose they serve and what happens when hormones are out of balance.
How do you know if you're out of balance?
Fatigue, weight gain, dry skin and nails, depression, elevated cholesterol, memory loss, decreased concentration... shall I go on?
At this point, I was about to cry. Wasn't she going to tell me I have to lose weight and all those problems would go away? Wasn't she going to scold me? Patronize me? Tell me science doesn't support my belief that something is wrong within me and it may or may not have anything to do with my weight?
"As long as you're out of balance, none of these things will change."
This isn't my first rodeo. I've heard all this before along with "all you'll need to do is purchase $500 worth of vitamins every month and make your weekly appointments and we should have it cleared up in a year or so."
My blood pressure was increasing. Please God -- don't let this be a scam.
So I took the blood test and came back to the office a few hours later for the results.
I've had a full hysterectomy, so I knew there would be some sort of imbalance.
There was.
According to these test results I'm vastly short in 3-different hormone areas. My thyroid in under active. The numbers were so low, she described my current hormone replacement regime as
"Spitting in a bucket."
She suggested trying 4-new therapies in high doses. In 60-days, I'll check back and we'll see how it's going.
Here's what I know so far: I typically feel like I've been drugged by 3p.m. I must take a nap. I haven't needed a nap. I did today, because I didn't sleep well last night because I stayed up late farting around on the Internet. In general, I sleep like a baby.
I have no idea what the next 60-days will bring. I'm terrified, this will be yet again, another load of bull shit.
I figure it can't hurt to try and I'll keep ya'll posted.

1 comment:

  1. Karma, I am always enamored at your honesty and willingness to share your feelings. It makes me remember that I'm human and so is everyone else. Nice. Kim
